Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Congrats Athens NEWS!

Editor and Publisher - a website dedicated to the news of the news (mainly the newspaper industry) has released 10 papers "that bucked the trend" of falling profits in 2008.

At the top of that list?

Athens, OH's very own - The Athens NEWS.

According to E&P:

1. The Athens News in Athens, Ohio, finished 2008 with revenue up 3.14 percent over the prior year with profitability also growing by 7.75 percent. While the paper took a hit in insert advertising due to the loss of one major client, classified and display sales were up a combined 4.19 percent and special-issue sales were up 11.67 percent, according to publisher Bruce Mitchell.

He says he remains optimistic about opportunities in the new year. “It’s all in the people you hire and work environment you create," Mitchell says. "Try to overlook the doom and gloom and look for opportunity and great people.”

The full list can be found here.


1 comment:

The A.G.B said...

Well done! I am a big fan of The Athens News. Maybe other small(ish)-town papers can learn from their example. Unique presentation that makes it easier to hold and read, gaudy front page, two issues per week and quality, in-depth journalism.

Maybe they actually make money because they produce a quality product.....what a strange concept!