Monday, January 19, 2009

New Media Workshop is Tomorrow!

Join fellow Scripps student and PRSSA president Paul Matson tomorrow at 5 p.m. in Scripps Hall 111 for our first New Media Workshop!

We all know the media is changing, and changing drastically. This is your chance to be on the cutting edge and learn the tools of the trade - Facebook, blogging, Flickr, twitter, and a slew of other ways to market yourself as a journalist and to report the news happening around you.

We invite you to BRING YOUR LAPTOPS so you can follow along and create yoru own new media experiences!

Paul Matson is a senior student at Ohio University, majoring in public relations with a minor in marketing. Paul is highly involved on campus and has served a number of internships in public relations, marketing and advertising. He is currently the president of The Public Relations Student Society of American (PRSSA), a previous member of the Ohio University Forensics Speech and Debate team, and a member of Campus Crusade for Christ. His internship experiences include positions at General Electric, Lamar Advertising, Coldstone Creamery, The Kempton Group, and Ohio University. In his current job, Paul is the marketing intern under Vice President Howard Lipman at the office of Advancement in McGuffey Hall. In his spare time, Paul is the drummer in a local band, enjoys rock climbing and is training to run in the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon in May.

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