Monday, April 20, 2009


Last week was a packed one for us. Let's recap quickly, shall we?

Tuesday evening during our regular meeting time we elected a new Executive Board for the 2009-2010 school year. You can see those individuals listed a couple of posts below. Give them congrats and wish them luck when you see them!

Thursday evening we welcomed Adnrew Revkin, environment reporter for the New York Times to campus for a discussion which he title "9 Billion people + 1 Planet = ?". He was VERY interesting. What'd everyone think of his speech?

And we capped it all off with inductions and a Centennial Celebration on Friday evening. A special thanks to everyone who attended in spite of the gorgeous weather! Also a congratulations to all those who were inducted. 2007 Scripps alum Jon Peters was our keynote speaker and he discussed his time at Scripps and what SPJ means to him and to the field.

Let us know what you thought about last week's festivities!!

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